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[社会经济]几年来,晋江市综合经济实力连续多年居全国前列、福建省首位。2001年社会经济综合指数位居全国100个“最发达县”第13位,县域经济基本竞争力居全国“百强县”第6位。2003年,全年实现国内生产总值330.16亿元,工农业总产值545.02+5.79亿元,乡镇企业总产值640.33亿元,全市财政总收入完成20.03亿元,全年全社会消费品零售总额达89.08亿元,全市社会商品出口总值达19.64亿美元。“晋江模式”,被理论界誉为中国农村经济发展四大模式之一。 拥有“安而乐”卫生巾、“安踏”运动鞋、“SBS”拉链、“七匹狼”服装中国驰名商标4件,利郎、九牧王、柒牌、爱乐、亚礼得、德尔惠、寰球、特步、喜得龙、美克、名乐、恩东、鸿星尔克、贵人鸟、康踏等品牌也广为人知,形成了陈埭鞋业、安海食品玩具、磁灶建陶、晋南服装伞业镇区产业格局。全市实现村村通电话,固话普及率为2.85部/户。全年城镇职工年平均工资12026元,农民人均纯收入6330元,城乡居民储蓄存款余额145.43亿元,全市累计有13个镇和352个村基本实现宽裕型小康,分别占镇、村总数的86.7%和91.4%。农村居民恩格尔系数为45.1%。
Jinjiang, Fujian Province is located in the southeast coast of east Taiwan Strait, and Kinmen, Taiwan across the sea, an area of 649 square kilometers land area, sea area of 6345 square kilometers, a coastline of 110 km, in the membership population of 1.02 million, foreign population of 580,000, travel outside the Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots in more than 220 million, known as "three million domestic and overseas Jinjiang people." Has jurisdiction over 13 towns, six district offices, 385 administrative villages.
[Economic] In recent years, Jinjiang City, the comprehensive economic strength ranks the forefront for many years, first in Fujian Province. Socio-economic index in 2001 among the nation's 100 "most developed counties," No. 13, and the county ranks the competitiveness of economic fundamentals, "hundred counties," No. 6. In 2003, the annual gross domestic product 33.016 billion yuan, industrial and agricultural output value of 545.02 +5.79 billion yuan, 64.033 billion yuan output value of township enterprises, the city's total fiscal revenue completed 2.003 billion yuan, total retail sales of social consumer goods the whole year reached 89.08 billion, the city's social merchandise exports reached 1.964 billion U.S. dollars worth. "Jinjiang model" has been hailed as the theoretical circles of economic development in rural China, one of the four models. Have "An and Music" sanitary napkins, "Anta" sneakers, "SBS" zipper, "7 Wolf" clothing four well-known trademarks in China, Lee Lang, 9, animal husbandry, Wang, SEVEN, Philharmonic, sub-ceremony were Del Hui, Huanqiu, special steps Xidelong, the United States grams, famous music, Ndong, ERKE, elegant birds, Kang is also well-known brands such as Tap, forming a Chendai shoes, Anhai food toys, cizao Ceramic , Jinnan clothing Umbrella township industrial pattern. The city's village phone, fixed-line penetration rate of 2.85 / households. Year average annual wage for urban workers, 12,026 yuan, rural per capita net income of 6330 yuan, the balance of savings deposits of urban and rural residents 14.543 billion yuan, the city's total of 13 towns and 352 villages basically realize a well-off type, accounting for towns, villages of the total 86.7 % and 91.4%. The Engel coefficient of rural residents was 45.1%.
[Urban Construction] urban planning control area 38 square kilometers, and built an area of 12.8 square kilometers, the total urban area of 393 hectares green gardens, green coverage rate of 31.2%, 6.18 square meters per capita public green land. Urban areas has created the "five vertical and three horizontal" in the urban high-grade road network, the existing urban road 1.2292 million square meters, the length of 95 km trunk road, the per capita road area of 15.8 square meters. Urban sanitation facilities, equipment, degree of mechanization is rising greatly improved sanitation workers and labor productivity, the current market a harmless waste, an area of 65 acres, garbage harmless treatment rate of 86%, refuse transfer stations 4, water washed 26 toilets, sanitation facilities, machinery and basically complete.
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