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龙岩是全国著名革命老区,原中央苏区的重要组成部分。闽西是一块红色的土地,是全国赢得“红旗不倒”光荣赞誉仅有的两个地方之一。在这里,留下了毛泽东、周恩来、刘少奇、朱德、陈毅等老一辈无产阶级革命家从事伟大革命实践的深深印记,毛泽东同志写下了《古田会议决议》、《星星之火、可以燎原》、《才溪乡调查》等光辉著作,成为毛泽东思想的重要发祥地。著名的红四军第九次党代会(古田会议)确立了思想建党、政治建军的纲领,可以说,新型人民军队从这里走来,成功从这里开始,胜利从这里开始。 这里是红军长征出发地之一,当年十万闽西儿女踊跃参加红军,中央主力红军8万6千多人的长征队伍中,有26000多闽西儿女。在长期的革命斗争中,闽西人民为新中国的建立作出了巨大牺牲和重大贡献。全市在册革命烈士2.36万名,占全省烈士人数的一半多。1955―1965年间,闽西有68人被授予少将以上军衔,占福建省籍将军总数的82%,成为全国著名的“红军之乡”、“将军之乡”。
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Near the Taiwan Strait, with Guangdong, and Jiangxi border Longyan City, the ancient Tingzhou House and ancient parts of the state Longyan jurisdiction constituted administrative areas. Its located in the Fujian Province in western Taiwan, Fujian, also known as "Min", it Longyan City known as the "western Fujian."
West Fujian is a long history and culture, heavy land. It is the most important of the three river in Fujian Province - Min, Jiulong, the birthplace of Tingjiang. Here was once the ancient "ancient Fujian people" paradise "Minyue human" ancestral home and the "South China Sea countries" the seat of its Central States region, is truly a Hakka ancestral land is the people's ancestral home Heluo and one of. Hakka culture, Heluo cultural and indigenous cultures here, merging, Jing Fang splendor, deeply attracted Zhang Jiuling, Li Gang, Zhu Xi, Wang Yangming, Song Ci, Wen Tianxiang, Xu Xia-ke, Ji Xiaolan and other famous historical and cultural famous footsteps; gave birth to "Lingnan school of painting," the originator of Shangguan weeks, "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou" Huang Shen, Hua Yan and some other reputed at home and abroad through cultural and artistic Minxi generation master. They stage Rinpu the chanting, splash-ink bring creativity into the rolling clouds, concern for the fate of the lament, making history and culture of western Fujian-ho roll even more splendid glory.
Longyan Hakka is truly ancestral land and the famous overseas Chinese district. Is the main western Fujian Hakka ancestral land and inhabited by one of the city's seven counties (cities, districts) there are five counties Hakka counties, Hakka population accounts for 75% of the total population of the city. West Fujian Hakka culture, architecture, folklore, customs accumulation of deep, colorful and unique. Chinese historical and cultural city Tingzhou city, known as "Hakka capital", the Ting River is called "Hakka Mother River"; only 16 years of Shanghang Daoguang Jian Yuqing Ren Tian Lee's ancestral hall, known as the "South-East Asia Lee clan's home base. " Outside the city's overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots, more than 120 million people, including compatriots in Taiwan, passengers are more than 30 million people. In November 2000, the World Hakka descendants of the 16th General Assembly, held in the city, on behalf of more than 3,500 people around the world converged Hakka Longyan.
Longyan is a famous old revolutionary base, the former an important part of the Central Soviet Area. West Fujian is a piece of red land, the National won the "red flag would not fall in an" honorable reputation as one of only two places. Here, the left of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Chen Yi, the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries in the deep imprint of the great revolutionary practice, Comrade Mao Zedong wrote "Gutian Conference resolution", "A single spark can start a prairie fire" "It was then Township Survey" and other brilliant works, became an important birthplace of Mao Zedong Thought. The Ninth Party Congress of the Fourth Red Army well-known (Gutian Conference) established the ideological and party-building, political, military construction program, can be said that the new people's army came from here, a successful start here, victory from the start here. Here is one of the Red Army march starting, when hundreds of thousands of sons and daughters to take part in the Red Army in western Fujian, the Central Red Army, the main force of more than 80006 thousand march in the ranks, there are more than 26,000 children in western Fujian. During the long revolutionary struggle, the western Fujian people the establishment of New China has made tremendous sacrifices and significant contributions. In the book the city's martyrs 23600, accounting for more than half of the province the number of martyrs. 1955-1965 years, western Fujian, 68 people were awarded the rank of major general or above, accounting for Fujian Province, 82% of the total general membership to become a famous "Red Army of the township" and "General of the township."