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历史悠久 南平是福建开发最早的地区之一。早在4000多年前的新石器时代,就有土著人在此繁衍生息。东汉时期,南平、建瓯、浦城就已建县,距今达1800多年。建阳、邵武、武夷山等也有千年建县历史。
人杰地灵 南平文化积淀深厚,是福建文化的发源地之一,闽越文化的摇篮,被誉为“闽邦邹鲁”和“道南理窟”。这里人杰地灵,历史上人才辈出,曾出现过2000多位进士和17位宰相,特别是朱熹在闽北“琴书五十载”,所以后人有“东周出孔丘,南宋有朱熹,中国古文化,泰山与武夷”之说。
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Case Tel :0591-88109600
Website: www.geyin365.com
Nanping, Fujian Province is located in the north, commonly known as "northern Fujian", and Zhejiang Quzhou, Lishui and Jiangxi border. Fujian Nanping area is the largest municipalities and districts, but also the economic development of Fujian to expand the hinterland west side of forward bases, land area of 26.3 thousand square kilometers, an area under the jurisdiction of five counties in four cities, namely, Yanping, Shaowu City, Wuyishan City, Jian'ou, Jianyang, Shunchang County, Pucheng County, Guangze County, Songxi County, governance and the county. The total population of 3.06 million residence, resident population of 2.88 million people.
Fujian Nanping a long history of development of the first in the world. As early as more than 4,000 years ago in the Neolithic Age, there are indigenous people in this breed. The Eastern Han Dynasty, Nanping, Jianou, had been built Pucheng county, dating back over 1800 years. Jian-Yang, Shaowu, Wuyi County, also built a millennium of history.
Nanping profound cultural accumulation is large in spirit, is the birthplace of the culture of Fujian, one of Minyue the cradle of culture, known as "Bang Min Lu Zou" and "Road South reasonable cave." Here old times, the history of talent, there had been more than 2000 Scholars and 17 prime ministers, especially in the northern Fujian Zhu Xi "violin book contains 50", so future generations of "Eastern Zhou Dynasty out of Confucius, the Southern Song Dynasty with Zhu Xi, the Chinese ancient culture , Taishan and Wuyi "theory.