毫无疑问噪音是一类污染,一般认为噪声的卫生标准60分贝,超过这个标准会给人带来损害听力,有害于人的心血管系统、影响人的神经系统, 使人急躁、易怒、抑制。长期在噪音环境下工作的人,还会引起神经衰弱症候群(如头痛、头晕、耳鸣、记忆力衰退、视力降低等)。
经常处在嘈杂环境中的婴儿不仅听力受到损伤,智力发展也会受到影响。噪音对人体的危害是很大的,噪音量(分贝)对人体影响:举例0-50分贝:舒适,细语声;50-90分贝:妨碍睡眠、难过、焦虑;90-130分贝:耳朵发痒、耳朵疼痛;130分贝以上:耳膜破裂、耳聋 。
In fact, buy a house, I have been well prepared for, and something from the nearest point of the train Road near the bar, the house location and the environment are pretty good. Today my husband back from his trip could be said that the train station when entering Shenyang tantamount to a house in the car to see, and this lane, but north-south trunk road, six lanes it. . At first, I would faint.
Then buy a house, I looked under the rough, I feel the train from Garden Road, the outermost of the floor 150 meters, and the middle belt of trees there are separate roads, plus we bought the 7 building, I feel the noise should be not be too great bar. However, their minds still exist today, such a husband speaking, I am even more worried.
There is no doubt that noise is a type of pollution is generally believed that the noise standards of 60 decibels of Health, more than this standard will bring damage to hearing, harmful to people's cardiovascular system, affecting the nervous system, people irritable, irritability, inhibition. Long-term work in noisy environment, people, can also cause neurasthenia syndrome (such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus, memory loss, vision reduction, etc.).
Often in a noisy environment, hearing the baby is not only subject to injury, intellectual development can be affected. Hazards of noise on the human body is great, noise level (dB) on human health: for example, 0-50 dB: comfortable, whispers sound; 50-90 dB: hamper sleep, sadness, anxiety; 90-130 db: ear hair itch, ear pain; 130 dB above: eardrum rupture, deafness.